Bending Sheet Metal
The bending of products is carried out on hydraulic bending machines with CNC control technology, which is computer-controlled, allowing precision, speed, repeatability, and quality of the bent sheet metal.
High productivity and quality workmanship, based on sophisticated know-how and extensive experience in the processing of all types of sheet metal, guarantee your maximum satisfaction with the product and service. The state-of-the-art bending technology used at Klas Metal enables us to bend sheet metal pieces up to 3 metres in length and 3 mm thick, aluminium up to 5mm. We can also produce the most complex product shapes in any quantity. Our machinery fleet is enriched with two bending machines with automatic tool change, which allows us to optimise productivity and functionality. Tool changes are therefore significantly shorter than in the case of manual tool changes. This represents a key competitive advantage, ensuring higher production speed and improved precision.